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    老大哥(美版) 第四季

    • 主演:陈晓怡 
    • 导演:未知
    • 分类:欧美剧
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2003 
    • 更新:08.16
    • 简介:The Evil Bitches Win :DBig Brother 4 is the fourth season of the reality television series Big Brother. The format of the program remained largely un



    2003美国欧美剧连续剧免费在线观看网站【神马影院】【神马影视】为您特别推荐由陈晓怡等主演的连续剧《老大哥(美版) 第四季》未删完整版免费高清在线观看,监制,于2003年在美国开播,老大哥(美版) 第四季连续剧全33集,精彩剧情:The Evil Bitches Win :DBig Brother 4 is the fourth season of the reality television series Big Brother. The format of the program remained largely unchanged from previous seasons: a group of contestants, referred to as HouseGuests, are enclosed in the Big Brother House under the surveillance of cameras and microphones. Each week, the HouseGuests vote to evict one of their own until two Houseguests remain on finale night. The winner will be decided by the last seven evicted HouseGuests, collectively known as the Big Brother Jury. Julie Chen returned to host this season. The winner of the series won a $500,000 grand prize, while the runner-up won $50,000. This season was promoted as the "Ex-Factor".

    神马影院申明:本站属于互联网自由分享,连续剧《老大哥(美版) 第四季》资源均来自互联网,分享于互联网,本站服务器未保存《老大哥(美版) 第四季》资源或文件,且本站并不属于《老大哥(美版) 第四季》的提供者、制作者、所有者,因此本站不承担任何法律责任!若有相关资源涉及您的版权或知识产权或其他利益,请及时联系我们,确认后,我们会尽快处理。




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